About Cell Saviors

About Cell SaviorsMission Statement
We strive to provide the best tools and resources possible, making battery building more accessible to those who are new and easier for those who are more advanced.
Useful batteries and cells end up in trash cans, junkyards, and scrap yards across the world every day. The sad truth is that most of these cells still have a significant amount of life in them. If we, the community, can get our hands on those cells we can give them a second home and new life.
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About usCell Saviors - We Save Cells
We can't save cells without your help. Whether you use our web apps, share pictures of your builds online, or show your friends your battery battle stations to get them either interested/scared, you are spreading awareness. One day a long time ago I assumed that when a pack was dead, it had no more value (as I'm sure some of you had assumed too).
We want to make building, designing, and overall safety easier for the community as a whole. In order to do this we need help from YOU (and no, that help is not buying from our store!). We need you to tell us what we can do better, what you wish there was an online tool for and what's something we can improve upon. Click Contact Support on the right to send us a message with feature suggestions and bug reports.
The Community
When Jeff and I started down this road we were lucky to have countless experienced people to show us the way (I couldn't get “This is the way” to fit which sucks, I tried a few times to make it work). There is no school for salvaging and packbuilding, there is only this amazing community which we want to make every effort to embrace as it embraces us.
We have also created a Facebook group for likeminded DIY builders and tinkerers to connect and show off what they are working on. We would love to see what you are working on. Feel free to join the group here.
Now let's save some cells together!!
Bryan & Jeff