BMS Planner for Battery Packs

Pack information

Enter information on your planned pack in order to calculate which BMS you need.


Nominal Pack Voltage
Fill out the fields above to calculate
Minimum Pack Voltage
Fill out the fields above to calculate
Maximum Pack Voltage
Fill out the fields above to calculate
Max amps that the pack can generate
Fill out the fields above to calculate
Max amps that the BMS needs to handle
Fill out the fields above to calculate

Enter information on your planned pack in order to calculate what specific kind of BMS (battery management system) you're going to need for your planned build.

If you are still in the planning stages, you can use our pack planner tool to plan out your next pack.

If you need some guidance on the battery building process, we wrote a guide on how to build a battery pack that you should read.

This BMS planner tools requires all fields to be filled out. Here is a break down of what the fields mean so you can be sure you are inputting the correct information.

Nominal, minimum and maximum voltage of the cells you are using can be found on their datasheet. This information will allow us to calculate the maximum amperage and min/max voltage that the BMS will need to handle.

Capacity and C-Rate can also be found on the cells datasheet. This information allows us to check that you will not be over taxing your cells.

Series and parallel configuration will be based upon the layout of the pack you come up with. It will allow the BMS planner tool to make sure the BMS its suggesting has the right voltage target. It uses the parallel count to make sure you can hit your amperage target.

Finally max wattage will make sure the BMS can handle the amperage that will be requested of it and also it double checks all of the inputs above to make sure your pack can handle the load. The wattage you input is divided by the minimum pack voltage to determine the absolute maximum amperage possible.

After all fields are filled out the planner will list out options of BMSs that will best fit your battery build. Starting on the left side will be the one with the lowest amperage rating that will exceed your max amperage requirement. Moving to the right the amperage rating of the BMS shown will become higher then what would be needed. If your pack can handle it its nice to get a higher rated one so you can pull more power down later in time.

We wrote an article on series, parallel and the differences between them. You can check out that article here .

After you purchase your BMS, check out this guide we wrote that will help you to hook up your BMS to your battery pack .

Need a BMS for your next build?

Check out BMSBatteries' full selection of BMSs here.

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Factors to Plan for When Choosing a BMS

When choosing a battery management system (BMS) for your application, there are several important factors to plan for. Here are five key points to keep in mind:

  1. Compatibility with Battery Chemistry:

    Different battery chemistries (e.g., lithium-ion, lithium-iron phosphate) have specific charging and discharging characteristics. Ensure that the BMS you select is compatible with the chemistry of your battery pack. The BMS should be designed to optimize the performance and safety of that specific chemistry.
  2. Voltage and Current Rating:

    Determine the maximum & minimum voltage and current requirements of your battery pack. The BMS should be capable of handling these specifications. It's essential to choose a BMS that can effectively manage the voltage and current levels without overloading or overheating.
  3. Safety Features:

    Safety is paramount when dealing with batteries. Look for a BMS that includes critical safety features such as overcharge protection, over-discharge protection, short-circuit protection, and temperature monitoring. These features help prevent damage to the battery and reduce the risk of fire or explosion. They will put thebattery pack in sleep or safe mode, not allowing it to function without being manually reactivated.
  4. Communication and Monitoring:

    A good BMS should offer communication capabilities for real-time monitoring and control. Consider whether you need features like data logging, remote access, or integration with other systems (e.g., IoT platforms). This data can be crucial for performance optimization and early detection of issues.
  5. Scalability and Expandability:

    Think about your future needs. If you plan to expand your battery system, ensure that the BMS can accommodate additional cells or modules. Scalability and expandability are important if your project may evolve over time. This becomes a very important factor when using large packs like in a DIY powerwall.

Additionally, keep in mind factors like cost, reliability, and the reputation of the BMS manufacturer. Our BMS planner keeps these factors in mind to help guide you to the best BMS for your application. We did a write-up on the best BMSs for lithium battery packs based on our experience with several of the top manufacturers. It's often worth investing in a high-quality BMS to ensure the longevity and safety of your battery system.